08 februari 2021

Samenvattingen wetenschappelijke artikelen 2019

Lees hier de meest recente samenvattingen van de artikelen die zijn uitgebracht.

  1. Impact of mild-to-moderate exacerbations on outcomes of neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES) in patients with COPD
  2. Changes in exercise frequency and cardiovascular outcomes in older adults
  3. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients increase medio-lateral stability and limit changes in antero-posterior stability to curb energy expenditure
  4. The Mini-Balance Evaluation System Test Can Predict Falls in Clinically Stable Outpatients With COPD: A 12-MO PROSPECTIVE COHORT STUDY
  5. Fatigue is highly prevalent in patients with COPD and correlates poorly with the degree of airflow limitation
  6. The comorbidity of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease and peripheral Artery Disease – A systematic review 
  7. eHealth for people with COPD in the Netherlands: a scoping review
  8. Seasonal variation in physical activity in patients with heart failure
  9. Pulmonary Rehabilitation Reduces Subjective Fatigue in COPD: A Responder Analysis.
  10. Predictors in routine practice of 6-min walking distance and oxygen desaturation in patients with COPD: impact of comorbidities.
  11. A systematic review of high-intensity interval training as an exercise intervention for intermittent claudication
  12. Physical Activity to Prevent and Treat Hypertension: A Systematic Review
  13. Exercise training undertaken by people within 12 months of lung resection for non-small cell lung cancer (Review)
  14. Baseline characteristics associated to improvement of patients with COPD in physical activity in daily life level after pulmonary rehabilitation
  15. Outdoor Walking Training Compared To Cycle Ergometer Training in Severe COPD: A Randomized Controlled Feasibility Trial
  16. Association of Light Physical Activity Measured by Accelerometry and Incidence of Coronary Heart Disease and Cardiovascular Disease in Older Women
  17. Higher inpatient mortality for women after intervention for lifestyle limiting claudication
  18. “Can do” versus “do do”: A Novel Concept to Better Understand Physical Functioning in Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease.
  19. Oxygen compared to air during exercise training in COPD with exercise-induced desaturation.
  20. Timely recognition of palliative care needs of patients with advanced chronic heart failure: a pilot study of a Dutch translation of the Needs Assessment Tool: Progressive Disease - Heart Failure 
  21. Impact of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease on the outcomes of patients
    with peripheral artery disease
  22. Systematic review of pain in clinical practice guidelines for management of COPD: a case for including chronic pain?
  23. A randomized cross-over trial on the direct effects of oxygen supplementation therapy using different devices on cycle endurance in hypoxemic patients with Interstitial Lung Disease.
  24. Sex differences in risk factors for myocardial infarction: cohort study of UK Biobank participants
  25. The likelihood of improving physical activity after pulmonary rehabilitation is increased in patients with COPD who have better exercise tolerance